Family Ministry Meeting
As you may have heard at Prep and Prime Time, there are some new developments happening at Grace Point Community Church in the area of Family Ministries. Becky Curato and Michael Westfall have been working to develop a mission and vision for Family Ministries here at Grace Point.
We will hold a couple of gatherings that all of our parents and guardians with children and/or youth can attend. You only need to attend one of these gatherings.
The purpose of our gathering will be two-fold:
1. Help you process the Mission and Vision of Family Ministries (and answer your questions)
2. We want to hear how to better partner with you and your family. Come share with us how you currently disciple your children and youth as well as how we can better go about training, equipping, and resourcing you for this highly honorable role that you get to play in your children and youth’s lives…raising them in God’s ways.
Both of these gatherings will have free childcare provided.
Please RSVP by signing up on one of the following links:
Thursday, March 9:
Sunday, March 19:
Contact Pastor Michael with any questions (michael@gracepointfamily.com)