
sunday morning Ministry

Kids Church (for ages 3-11 years) is an in-person gathering designed to be a safe place where kids can have fun learning Biblical truths and how it applies to their life today for a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Kids worship with their families and then are dismissed before the sermon to Kids Church.

“All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace.” Isaiah 54:13

We have a Parent-led Nursery (for ages 6 weeks-2 years) available in the Lobby.

If you’re a first time guest, we’d like to help you plan your visit. Take a moment to pre-register your child(ren) for our Children’s Ministry now and save time at Check-In later.

child Dedications

Child dedication is a symbol of a parent’s desire to raise their child in the way of Jesus in partnership with our church community. If you’re interested in dedicating your child, or have additional questions, click on the button below.


family resources

We send out weekly emails for families filled with the Bible Story videos, simple suggestions to help incorporate what your child is learning throughout the week, and other various resources. Please contact Becky Curato, our Children’s Ministry Director, if you would like to receive our weekly email. If you are not getting emails from us, be sure to check your junk mail and change us to a known person in your settings.


Contact Becky Curato: